The 5 key functions of retailing

Most of the brands rely on the sector specific retail universe to get their goods close…

The best way to structure you Recommended Retail Price (RRP)

The Recommended Retail Price (RRP) is the price you fix for your goods or services in…

Repsly: The success story of a field marketing tool that reshaped the retail execution

By taking in consideration all the field execution challenges, Repsly has been designed to offer to…

To avoid the queue, Mark and Spencer innovates

Due to the high peak of coronavirus spread in the UK, the retail stores are limiting…

Is COVID-19 pandemic changing the retail career scope?

For many years, the retail sector has been relying on the conventional shopping way. The retail…

The largest retail Expo in Europe [Retail EXPO LONDON] has been cancelled for 2021

Reed Exhibitions has announced that RetailEXPO will not take place in 2021 as a result of the…

what does it take to run an efficient retail structure?

Your retail organizational structure may vary from that of a larger retail store, but even if…

The Retail Competencies artwork

Sales and Retail Competencies are now part of the standard toolkit for all retail functions and…

Artificial Intelligence: The big game changer in the retail sector

Many global enterprises have been testing the implementation of new technologies to improve their customer’s experience…

Egypt: The most growing Retail in Africa

Retail Trade in Egypt When talking about a large country like Egypt, trade in it is…